BE Green

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Green Certified homes are healthier, more environmentally friendly, and economically smarter than the average home

Is your home Green Certified?
As both energy costs and environmental awareness rise, energy-efficient “green” homes are becoming more desirable.’s Green Certification program can help you enter into this market with an edge. To determine if your home qualifies for Green Certification before having it inspected, follow these simple instructions:
Print a copy of the Green Certified Checklist (may take a few moments to load)
Go through the worksheet and, to the best of your knowledge, try to answer each question listed in the OBSERVATION column.  If you don’t understand a question are are unsure about it, don’t worry–this step is simply an initial assessment to determine whether you’re ready to have your home independently evaluated.
Tally your answers to pages 1 through 3 (adding the values of the POINTS column together) in the space labeled FINAL RESULTS on page 3.
Here are some advantages of having your home-for-sale inspected before you list it:
You can choose an InterNACHI Certified Professional  Inspector® to inspect your home first, which may prompt the buyer to waive his own inspection contingency.  And even if he doesn’t, a Seller Inspection means you won’t be in for any surprises.
You can schedule your inspection at your own convenience, rather than accommodate a buyer and his inspector.You can assist your inspector during the inspection, which is something not normally done during a buyer’s inspection. A Move-In Certified™ Seller Inspection may alert you to any immediate concerns, such a broken pressure-relief valve or an active termite infestation.
The Seller Inspection: allows you to take the time to shop for competitively priced contractors to make repairs, rather than making rushed decisions to get things fixed in a hurry; lets you attach repair estimates or paid invoices to the inspection report; and removes over-inflated buyer-procured repair estimates from the negotiating table.
Move-In Certified™ yard signs, free from your InterNACHI inspector, will attract potential buyers touring homes in your neighborhood.
A Move-In Certified™ Seller Inspection is the ultimate gesture in forthrightness on your part.

There are other distinct advantages of having a Move-In Certified™ Seller Inspection report: You’re given the opportunity to dispute any misstatements in the inspection report before it’s distributed to real estate agents and prospective buyers.The report provides an unbiased, third-party, professional opinion about the condition of the home to potential buyers.The report may encourage the buyer to waive his own inspection contingency, so the deal is less likely to fall apart the way they often do when a buyer’s inspection reveals unexpected problems at the last minute.The report can be hosted on, which can be used as an effective marketing tool.
The report can help you realistically price the home if problems exist.
The report can help you substantiate a higher asking price if problems don’t exist or have been corrected. The report may relieve a prospective buyer’s unfounded suspicions and concerns before he walks away from an otherwise great deal.The report provides full-disclosure protection from future legal claims